The version of  Think and Grow Rich!

that renders all others obsolete

Think and Grow Rich_front cover

Napoleon Hill’s Think and Grow Rich! is the all-time bestseller in the personal success and motivational field. The book has never been out of print since the day it was published back in 1937. One foundation estimates that up to 70 million copies have been printed since the day it first appeared.

This powerful, life-changing book will teach you The 13 Steps to Richesincluding how to create and use your own Master Mind Group – which Dr. Hill discovered during a quarter-century of research into the lives and careers of the wealthiest, most powerful individuals in America. The research was started under the guidance and encouragement of steel magnate Andrew Carnegie, who in his time was the wealthiest man in the world.

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The Secret Hill Didn’t Keepby Giving It Away

Secret” is a word many writers and speakers, especially in the motivational field, use regularly and casually in their books and other resources.  It has become almost a buzzword staple in the self-help business. But in their conversations, Hill did learn from Carnegie the “money-making secret” this captain of industry used throughout his long life and which Hill went on to make the cornerstone of a new philosophy of success. (Carnegie “gave” this secret altruistically to Hill because the steel king thought it was insane that every new generation that comes along should have to reinvent the wheel when it comes to learning how to achieve success in life.)

This philosophy that Hill further developed explains not only how you can create great wealth, but also attain “riches” in every aspect of your life. Every chapter and every line of this book was written to teach you the most practical steps to achieve the highest levels of self-motivation and self-improvement on your way to financial and personal success.

Hill says it best in the very first words of Think and Grow Rich!:

“IN EVERY CHAPTER of this book, mention has been made of the money-making secret which has made fortunes for more than 500 exceedingly wealthy people whom I have carefully analyzed over a long period of years.”

With those few words, Hill leads you off on a voyage of discovery – of self and the practical world around you. It takes some people but a few hours, others many weeks, and still others many months, even years, before their own personal “Ah, ha!” moment strikes…the moment the truth reveals itself…when they finally grasp the “money-making secret” Carnegie unfurled.

It does you no good if sometime else “tells” you the secret. Because what opens up the world of boundless success is not words on paper or words heard. What opens that door, which no one else will ever be able to shut on you, is a personal revelation, experience, and insight that is almost mystical, almost “religious” in its nature and effect. Don’t take my or anyone else’s word for it. Read, study, reflect on, and “DO” Think and Grow Rich! You will one day find the secret out for yourself.

“Have You Read It?”

Over the past 30-something years—and especially during the period I did the research to compile this new edition—I have met and talked with many highly successful, wealthy people. Rarely have I met one age 50 or older who had experienced great success and created great wealth who had not read Think and Grow Rich! or had not applied intentionally and diligently the principles and techniques it contains. When asked about it, almost invariably they say, “Have I read Think and Grow Rich? Sure. Must’ve read it 50 times.” That may be followed up with, “I’ve even had my entire sales staff read it” or “It was mandatory reading for my kids.”

I recall vividly being at a conference in Los Angeles one time years ago and hearing an extremely wealthy, older Danish gentleman, who had made hundreds of millions of dollars in the oil pipeline industry, stand up before a large group and say, “I was 16 years old, without direction or much ambition. No focus. Somebody gave me a copy of Think and Grow Rich! I read it, and studied it, and applied it. I attribute every success I have had in my professional and my personal life to what I learned in this book.”

One day, that young man opened the first chapter of that book, went to work studying and absorbing all of what followed, and then one other day the Carnegie secret finally leapt off the pages and right into that young Dane’s imagination. The rest, as they say, is history.

Ross Cornwell

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